
Mishna is introduced to the students of Year 3, when they have a good grasp of Torah Sh’Bichsav, the 5 books of the Torah and its centrality in the lives of a Torah Jew.

This is a gentle exposure to Torah Sh’Baal Peh, its intrinsic partnership, equal value to and Divine connection to Torah Sh’Bichsav. Without Torah Sh’Ba’al Peh, the Torah Sh’Bichsav is incomplete, incomprehensible and unable to be kept as Heavenly decreed.

Year 3 Autumn N/A
Year 3 Spring N/A
Year 3 Late Summer Introduction to Torah Sh’Baal Peh. What is Mishna? Brochos, Perek, Vov
Year 4 Autumn  Sukkos, Perek, Alef
Year 4 Spring Sukkos, Perek, Beis
Year 4 Summer Sukkos, Perek, Gimmel
Year 5 All Year Boba, Metzia, Perek, Gimmel
Year 6 All Year Boba, Metzie, Perek, Ches

The chapters of Mishna selected to be studied, learnt and explored were chosen on their relevance to their practice and relatability of the children’s prior learning, experiences and maturity.

Brochos in Year Three builds on the children’s prior learning of Brochos. However, it is now going to be learnt inside using new range of analytical thinking skills to understand the framewwork and logic of their already established practice.

Learning Hilchos Sukkah in Year Four builds on the same basis of Year 3, yet takes their learning further. The children will use the Mishna to help deepen their understanding and familiarity of the laws of Sukkah whilst developing an understanding of how the Mishna is structured in its logical thought process. These Perokim lend themselves well to an early introduction to Mishna as they are a good window to gain a broader view to breadth of Limud HaTorah.

Year 5 and 6 explore Bova Metzia as a way of building on the skills of Year 3 and 4 and now using the Mishna to inculcate in the children the Torah’s moral compass and how we as Torah Jews turn to the texts to gain the Torah’s perspective of what is correct. This is a rich learning opportunity, as well as offering textual skills, they also create a space to debate, to start thinking out of the box and forming personal ideas and values, using the wide range of scenarios found in these Perokim.

Mishna is taught on a weekly basis. The children will learn the Mishna inside the text and will be taught key words and concepts that will help with both the understanding of the translation and the application of the idea being explored. They develop and grow their range of vocabulary over the years building a strong basis for successfully navigation of Mishna. The children have many practical examples and application of the concepts through discussion, project work either individual or group based, worksheets or displays where applicable, to demonstrate their understanding of Mishna.